Caribou provides a load ticket tracking and payment/reconciliation system very specifically designed for timber companies.
Many of our customers have historically used spreadsheets or manual ledger sheets, and they cannot imagine returning to their old methods of tracking tickets.
Imagine how much more effectively you could run your business if you could:
Key ticket information once, and have that information feed your landowner statement, your contractor statement, your revenue reconciliation report, and all you your tract and crew production reports.
Automate the creation of contractor settlements and other types of delivery and costing reports.
Compare revenues earned from each tract you've harvested against total costs incurred to harvest that tract.
Generate reports such as Deliveries by Destination, Volumes Produced by Logger, and Production by Species and Product at the click of a button instead of spending countless hours compiling the information manually or in Excel.
Readily compare the actual purchase price of a stand of timber to the depletion value to see whether you made or lost money on the timber purchase.
Easy to Use
Filters ease overload of data within a screen
‘Excel-like’ grids allow for review and editing of data. Cut/copy and paste across cells is supported
Active flags on all setup data tables allow you to hide old information from day-to-day view, while still preserving the information for historic reporting
Wizards help in setting up tracts and contract rates
Multi-row copy and paste makes rate changes easier to manage
Users find The Logger's Edge rich in functionality and convenient to use. Our personalized, one-on-one training sessions help you quickly learn the features of the system that are of most interest to you.
With a single point of entry, users only ever enter the data one time. And if you are licensed for multiple users, you can get the job done even faster!
Setup Wizard
Configurable Settings
Electronic File Cabinet
Quick and Easy Look-Ups for:
Load Tickets & Time Sheets
Tracts and Corresponding Rates
Equipment/Truck Information
Landowner, Contractor, and Pay Statement Records
The software serves as an electronic file cabinet to help you improve your overall organization and efficiency. All your key tract information and rates, your loads and time sheets, your landowners and contractors, your equipment, and all your pay statements are all accessible from one icon on your desktop. Easy access to all your information helps you work faster and smarter, and provide more accurate and timely answers to landowner, forester, and mill questions.
Active Tracts
Time Sheets
Load Tickets
Quick-and-easy search interface to look up load slip information by date, by destination, by tract/sale, or by truck
Flexible data structure allows you to track whatever load attributes (like species, grade, product) your business requires
Ability to pay based on a variety of methods such as Ton, MBF, Cords, bone-dry ton, and distance traveled
Electronic load import capabilities
Configurable imports for log scale data
Load Ticket Grid
Load Ticket Entry
Load Ticket Expected Revenue
Optional: Load Harvesting Operators
Hardwood Splits
Track hand-scaled volumes on tickets for high-value hardwood
Pay different rates for different types of wood on the same load
Can pay haulers one rate for the entire load and landowners a different rate per MBF or Cords for each different wood type
"Split" Tab on Load Ticket Entry
Hardwood Split Revised Rates
Report Showing Hardwood Splits
Load Ticket Payment
Pay on a variety of methods, including per Ton, Cord, or MBF, per mile, per load, etc
Pay minimum amounts or one-off amounts
Manage different types of timber purchases, including depletion on lump-sum timber purchases, stumpage on pay-as-cut timber purchases, or simple gatewood purchases
Split stumpage payments between multiple stumpage owners
Exclude cull from payment or pay at a different rate
The Logger’s Edge lets you generate multiple payments for a single ticket to pay the logger, hauler, land-owner, etc. The system is flexible enough to handle almost any pay scenario you can come up with!
Vendor Pay Statement - Cover Page
Vendor Pay Statement - Detail Page
Pay Rates
Pay Rates
Ability to pay based on load count, weight, route, or distance
Tracks round trip cycle times
Ability to pay minimum amount for short loads
Ability to pay driver and/or truck owner separately
Track truck overloads
Extensive overload payment capping and fining capabilities
The Logger's Edge allows you to manage your own or subcontractor log trucks. You can pay them by weight, by the load, or by distance. You can even set a minimum pay amount. For those who track overloads, you can set up overload weights by truck, by season, and then deduct truck pay for the amount of the overload. Need to know round-trip times? The Logger's Edge can track cycle times between your logging areas and the mills to which you are making deliveries.
Log Truck Setup
Tract Setup Wizard - Distances (optional feature)
Extensive set of standard reports for tracking information such as costs and production by supplier, and costs by tract/job
Analysis reports that provide details on settlements, harvesting costs, stumpage, depletion and trucking costs
Ticket tracking reports that detail settlement amounts and payments on a load-by-load basis
Reports in worksheet format that can be easily transported into MS Excel for additional analysis or charting
Value-added custom report-building services to provide you with information specific to your business practices
User-defined reporting tools for users wanting to build their own reports
Caribou offers an extensive suite of "standard reports", with different reports catered to different regions of the country and different business practices. Caribou also offers custom reporting services for users who have specific reporting requests that are outside the scope of our standard reports.
Here are just a few sample reports to give you an idea of the types of business information that can help inform your business decisions.
Tract Profit Report
Provides a picture of the revenue and costs associated with each type of wood from a specific tract. P&L by Load Attributes.pdf
Tract Profit Summary Report
Provide a snapshot of volumes, revenues, and costs by tract (across all tracts) for a given date range. Tract Profitability Summary.pdf
Cruise Volume Report
Provides a picture of how your lump sum tracts “cut out.” It shows the tract purchase price, the cruise-versus-actual volumes, and the value of the timber depleted to date. Cruise Volume.pdf
Deliveries by Destination
Shows volumes and load counts delivered to each mill in a given date range. Deliveries by Destination.pdf
Aged Ticket Report
Provides a listing by mill of all tickets for which you have not yet been paid, and references the Logger’s Edge invoice number where the expected revenue was calculated. Aged Ticket Report.pdf
Truck Fuel Cost Report
Shows a listing of all fuel purchases for each truck. Not only does it show average cost per gallon; it also shows costs per ton, costs per mile, and costs per load. TruckFuelRpt.pdf
Landowner Settlement
This detailed pay statement lets the landowner see all deliveries and stumpage payments on a load-by-load basis. You can sort and subtotal the report however you’d like. Landowner Settlement.pdf
Trucker Settlement
Generate logger or trucker settlements each week that itemize out each ticket with the amount owing to the contractor. You can add miscellaneous line items to the statement for one-off additions or deductions to the contractor’s payment that period. Trucker Settlement.pdf
Advances and Bank Loans
Issue Advance Payments to Landowners or Loggers
Collect Advances "On Demand" - User specifies desired collection amount each period
Collect Advances Based on Production from the Tract
Create Bank Loans as Harvesting Occurs
Bank Loan or Production Advance Setup
Revenue Reconciliation
Set up Delivered Prices for each mill and tract
Calculate expected revenue owing for this week's tickets before you ever receive a check from the mill
Generate unpaid ticket reports with the click of a button
Say Good-Bye to the stacks of settlement printouts with colored marker streaks to indicate outstanding tickets. With the Logger's Edge, you can stay on top of payments received on a ticket by ticket basis and ensure not only that you are paid for the ticket, but also that you are paid at the right rate for the ticket. Generate a report of outstanding tickets at the click of a button.
Revenue Rates
Revenue Settlements
Aged Ticket Report
Manage Conversion Factors
Convert different types of wood at different rates
Convert the same type of wood at different rates depending on the mill or tract
Even if you pay based on the tons, you can still generate costing reports that reflect costs per MBF or Cord
If you track deliveries by weight, but receive and/or issue payments based on a volume measure such as board feet or tons, you can set up conversions in the software.
Enter daily time sheets and automate overtime calculations
Keep track of productive time versus down time
Alternatively, enter one time sheet per worker for all hours in a week if you want to "keep it simple"
Hours are entered by tract and/or by crew for tract and crew cost reporting
Enter shop hours even for workers that are normally paid based on production rather than hours worked
The Logger's Edge handles your time sheets and calculates gross payroll for employees or subcontractors for all phases related to timber harvesting.
Time Sheet Entry Form
Employee Setup Grid
Hourly Pay Report
Tract Cost Report
Miscellaneous Expense Tracking
Enter fees for title searches or road work and assign to a tract
Enter fuel bills by equipment unit or truck
Enter major repair bills by equipment with a short description of the expense
Enter one-off bonuses or deductions for a vendor or an employee
Run Reports showing costs by crew or equipment or truck
The Logger's Edge allows you to enter miscellaneous expenses that are not related to load tickets or time sheets. These expenses can be tagged to a Tract, a Vendor (or Employee), a Crew, and even an Equipment or Truck Unit for rich business reporting.
Miscellaneous Expenses
Equipment Operating Cost Report
Equipment Costing
Equipment Cost Calculator
The Logger's Edge uses your time slips to track equipment utilization and the hours worked by each machine. You can set up standard costing rates (with or without the cost of the operator) and then calculate your costs by activity and by work area.
Equipment Units
Equipment Charge Out Rates
Equipment Activities
Track your mileage by state/province
Track your fuel purchases by state/province
Download the tax rates each quarter
Run the report that makes all the fuel tax calculations required by state/provincial taxing authorities
The IFTA -- International Fuel Tax Agreement -- is a contract between most states in the
United States and most provinces in Canada that governs how motor fuel taxes are paid by
truckers that haul across state or national boundaries. The main purpose of the agreement is
to allow trucking companies to file only one fuel tax return to their base state, instead of filing
one return for each state/province in which they operate. The single unified return reconciles
all the different state motor fuel rates and allows companies to make one payment (or
receive a credit) to settle their fuel tax liability.
Truck Mileage
IFTA Report
Miscellaneous Expenses
IFTA State Rates
1099 Reporting
No more hand-writing or typing onto the US Government 1099 forms. Let the software do the typing for you!
Software supports both the 1099-S forms for landowners, and the 1099-Misc forms for all other vendors
Timber Tax Reporting
Store Landowner Information in the Vendor Setup Tables
Store Tract Acreage and Parcel information in Tract tables
Software combines actual deliveries by species and product for each tract with
landowner information to build the Timber Tax report
Some states require specific reporting for state timber tax remittances. We have a special
module for our Georgia users that automates this filling. If you are from a different
jurisdiction, talk to Caribou about building a custom report to help you facilitate your timber or
severance tax reporting requirements.