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See release notes for
Item | Category | Release Note |
Setting for Custom Time Sheet Name and Page Titles | ETime | Program Change - We can now change the label of the "Time Slip" per template in the system. So your Operators can log in and see "Operator Time Sheet" across the top and your Mechanics will see "Mechanic Work Order" across the top. Must be configured by a Caribou Representative. |
Make Details/Headers shown in grid more configurable | ETime | Program Change - Made the Header/Detail information shown in the Time Listing overview more configurable. Some fields at the header level are required, but the order of appearance can be changed. The details portion (only seen by supervisors) is entirely configurable. We can even choose which number fields we want summed up in the Weekly & Grand Totals or just want displayed but not summed. Ask a Caribou rep for more info about what you want configured! |
Filter Selections for EQ Type and Block | ETime | Program Change - E-time now allows the Equipment Type to appear as a pick list on the Time Sheet. If a user picks a specific TYPE, the equipment list will be limited to all active equipment units of that Type that are marked as show_in_etime = true. This feature over-rides the equipment assignments for that worker. So, if a worker is typically assigned to Loader #1, and they are operating that unit that day, they need not pick from the Equipment Type list as it defaults to assigned equipment. But if they need to operate Buncher #1 that day, they can pick BUNCHER as the Equipment Type, and the software will repopulate the equipment drop-down with all the bunchers, thus over-riding the assigned equipment. E-time now also allows you to use up to 3 attributes on your block/tract grid (Caribou "Cparts" 1,2,3) to limit the list of blocks for the end user. E.g., time sheets could be set up to allow the user to Pick "Area" or "Timbermark" to limit the block list. |
Supervisor Time Card Change | ETime | Program Change - Supervisors who add time cards can add time for ANY worker, regardless of whether they are assigned to them. Prior to this change however they could still only see time for users they are assigned to supervise. This makes it so they always see time cards they added themselves in addition to their assigned workers. |
Only Unapproved Time Default | ETime | Program Change - Added a checkbox to show Approved time cards, by default now only UNapproved time cards show in the listing to make review easier. |
Prevent Future Dated Time Cards | ETime | Program Change - Setting added to prevent saving Time Cards that are dated in the future. |
Correct Inefficient Queries | ETime | Program Change - Optimized the loading of time slip listing to perform less queries against the database for calculating total hours. Should speed up loading large date ranges. |
Fix Block Filter to Respect Show In E-Time | ETime | Program Change - Modified the Blocks drop down filter to consider the "Show in E-Time?" checkbox in Logger's Edge. If a Block has no unapproved time cards and is marked as In-Active OR marked as Show in E-Time = False then it will drop from the filter list at the top of the time listing page. |
Item | Category | Release Note |
Details display comments up to 50 chars, mouse hover for full | ETime | Program Change - The Comments left on detail slips will now show in the TimeListing grid up to 50 characters, or show "No Comment" if there isn't one. However if you hover over the comment with your mouse you will get a ToolTip that displays the full comment! No more having to click into the slip to view comments. |
Option to prevent save if description left blank | ETime | Program Change - Added an option to prevent saving a time card detail if the description is blank if certain hours fields are non-zero. We can tell the software which hours fields cause this check. If they are 0 no check is performed. If any of the defined ones are greater than 0 then the description must not be left blank or it will prevent a save and present a warning. |
Only floats with Pay Activity #'s get summed into total hours | ETime | Program Change - As of version 3.8 E-Time now treats certain custom number fields the same as Logger's Edge does and only counts them towards total hours if configured to do so. Prior to this there were eight optional number fields that always counted towards total hours on a slip. In cases where we wanted a number field for informational purposes only we were limited to only using the other five number fields otherwise they would count towards hours when we didn't want them to. Now we can make use of all thirteen available number fields for non-hours tracking. And eight of these fields can still be configured for hours if desired. |
Created By now Passed to Logger's Edge on Approval | ETime | Program Change - As of E-Time 3.8 we now save who created the slip to Logger's Edge once approved. So you can see whether a supervisor added the time card or the user themselves. This relies on the CREATED_BY field. A Caribou Rep will have to enable this in your time slips grids if it isn't already. |
Add Feature to Send Time Slips back to Workers for Correction | ETime | Program Change - Supervisors can now set time slips back to a user for correction! Underneath the supervisor comments box is a checkbox to Send for Correction. The state of this box is saved when you click the "Only Save Comments" button. When checked these time slips will always show at the top of the list regardless of the date range you are looking at and they are colored a bright red to draw attention to them. The idea is a supervisor can leave a comment explaining what needs to be corrected and check the box. The user will then see the time slip pinned to the top of their list and can review what comment the supervisor left and take corrective action. The user may wish to leave a comment for the supervisor on their time slip saying they corrected it. Until the supervisor approves the time slip it will remain pinned to the top of their list. If a supervisor wishes to leave a comment for the office staff and NOT send the slip back to the user they simply do not check the box when saving comments. If the Send for Correction box was checked by mistake it can be un-checked and then clicking Only Save Comments will save this, the slip will then be un-pinned. Users can mark their slip as "ready for review" and it will change color for the supervisors, so they know which cards to review and which are still pending correction. |
Date Range view to default to pay period start and end dates instead of today - options | ETime | Program Change - E-Time can now be configured to default your date range to the current pay period's start and end dates, or you can look back a certain number of days from today's date. If either of these is not turned on the old behaviour of only showing slips for today by default will continue. |
Item | Category | Release Note |
Option for Save/New to Add one Day to the Date if Carryover NOT true on header slip | ETime | Program Change - E-Time 3.7 has an option to add +1 to the date for the next slip when clicking Save/New to start a new header. With this setting turned on the next slip will start as the last slip's date +1 day. |
Add Ability for Super Admin to void approved time cards (to parallel deleting in LE) | ETime | Program Change - E-Time 3.7 will allow Super Admins only to open an Approved time card in E-Time, edit the first detail of it, and click the Void button to void the whole slip. For situations where the slip has been deleted out of Logger's Edge and you don't wish to see it show up in E-Time still. |
Assign up to 5 supervisors to an employee | ETime | Program Change - E-Time 3.7 now supports assigning up to five supervisors to an employee for the purpose of reviewing/approving time cards in E-Time. |
Allow Generic Activity Accessible to all Equipment Units | ETime | Program Change - E-Time 3.7 can support assigning generic Pay Activities that are available to pick for any equipment unit regardless of their assigned activities. Useful when you want to assign certain activities to certain equipment to limit the choices available but have one or more activities that always need to be available. |
Item | Category | Release Note |
Option to NOT restrict Trucks by worker defaults | ETime | Program Change - Added option to disable truck assignments to workers in E-Time. For situations where we want E-Time users to see all of the trucks available but we still want to add default assignments to Logger's Edge for the purpose of loadslip imports. This allows us to do imports containing only a truck code and have it pick the driver based on the defaults configured. But we still see all trucks in E-Time. With this setting off you would only see the truck assigned to you. |
Item | Category | Release Note |
Overhaul User Interface | ETime | Program Change - Overhaul of the page stylesheet and UI. Better colors that are easier on the eyes as well as removing some of the blocky areas. Optional theme included RAlignGreyAbsent.css that can be turned on in web.config if you want orange colored rows for timeslips marked as Absent to make them easier to pick out. We also switched the font from Times New Roman to a more modern Trebuchet MS. |
Item | Category | Release Note |
Allow Job(Block) Drop Down Filter | ETime | Program Change - There is now a Block/Tract pick list at the top of E-Time for supervisors (or employees configured for date range navigation instead of pay periods). Picking one will refresh the list of slips within the chosen date range and only show those with header slips for the chosen block/tract. It is important to note this only looks at the block/tract on the first detail entered (otherwise known as the header slip) and will pull back all details for that slip regardless of their block/tract. |
Add Totals by Week | ETime | Program Change - Introduced subtotal rows by Employee by Week. Weeks must be setup in the system for this to work, any slips for dates that do not fall within a configured week will show as "Week Undefined." |
Item | Category | Release Note |
Modify Absentee Pick List to Pull from Different Table than Job Code | ETime | Program Change - Added an Is Absent? designation to the Job Codes table. Only codes marked as Is Absent? = True will show for the Absent reason and these will NOT show if the Job Code field is enabled on the detail slips. |
Sort by Date Oldest or Newest First option added | ETime | Program Change - Added a radio-button to the top of the time listing page to choose between showing newest or oldest time slips first. This setting can be configured to default to a certain sort if desired, just ask a Caribou Representative to configure that for you. Once changing between newest or oldest first you must click the Refresh button to re-load the time slips in the new order. Employees with a pay-period based date range selection will have to move forward or back in the pay periods for the change to take effect if they switch between oldest or newest first. |
Item | Category | Release Note |
Fix Connection Issues - Too Many Connections | ETime | Program Fix - Corrected an issue with large date ranges during time slip review causing too many SQL connections and overloading the server. |
Item | Category | Release Note |
Option for Employee to use Date Range | ETime | Program Change - There is now an option to show employees a date range picker in the E-Time listing instead of having them browse by pay-period. It defaults to only show today's date but can be expanded to any range desired. |
2nd EQ Hours Synced with Production Hours | ETime | Program Change - When using a 2nd EQ Unit the hours for it are synced to the production hours of the detail we are entering. They will be zero if no 2nd EQ Unit is chosen. |
Item | Category | Release Note |
Default Company on Login Page | ETime | Program Change - We can now set a default company that will be selected on the login page when it first loads. For users with only one database this will streamline the login process. |
Added a Subtotal Row to Time Listing | ETime | Program Change - Employees will now see a total row in the time slip listing that sums up the hours of all the slips in the period currently being viewed. |
In Approved? Column show who approved only to supervisors or employees by option | ETime | Program Change - E-Time will now show supervisors who approved time cards. The "Approved" column will show "Yes by Lastname, Firstname" if a time slip has been approved. By default employees will not see who approved their time slips but this can be turned on if desired. |
Prod Units and Other Fields On Header Duplicating on all Details Fixed | ETime | Program Fix - Corrected a bug where a checkbox value, for eg. a Per Diem rate or truck use reimbursement, on the header slip would be carried onto ALL of the detail slips added to that header. Once approved this would cause multiple entries to be made for these reimbursements, one for each detail on the slip, even if it was intended only to apply once for the whole slip. |
Make Room for Error on In-Balance be a configurable number of minutes in web config | ETime | Program Change - The threshold to consider whether a slip is In Balance and thus can be approved or not is configurable. It defaults to 15 minutes so if we are missing less than 15 minutes on the detail slips compared to the start-end time range it will still be in balance and able to be approved. We can shrink or expand this threshold if you desire. Web.config file must have the following entry where "30" should be replaced with the number of minutes the user wants to allow as an error buffer for the user. |
Employee with apostrophe in name cannot approve time, says out of balance when in balance | ETime | Program Fix - Employees with a CODE containing an apostrophe would cause errors on attempting to approve their time slips, this is corrected now. |
Item | Category | Release Note |
Add More Options for Filtering Block List by County, Timbermark etc. | ETime | Program Change - E-Time now has the option of adding the C_PART_1_CODE or the C_PART_2_CODE from the Blocks table as a filter on the slip entry screen. Once one has been selected only the Blocks assigned to that particular C_PART_1_CODE or C_PART_2_CODE are available to pick from. This has been used as "Project" in our testing but another use could be to pick a "County" or a "Timbermark." Only one can be enabled on the E-Time slip. |
Configure Carryover of Certain Fields on Save/New or Save/Add | ETime | Program Change - We have the ability to mark certain fields for "carryover" on a Save/Add or Save/New for a header or detail E-Time slip. The only exception is the Activity chosen on a detail slip as this list always re-sets with eligible choices based on the User/Equipment or Truck combination. If a field is NOT set to carryover it will reset to the Default value specified on each Save/Add or Save/New. *Save/Add is for adding additional details, Save/New starts a new header slip. |
Correct Error Changing a Worker Code if Using E-Time | ETime | Program Change - Corrected E-Time 2.7 so edits can be made to Employee codes when those particular employees have E-Time slips entered. |
Option for Some Drop Down Lists to Display Description Field Instead of Code | ETime | Program Change - E-Time can now be configured so certain fields show either the CODE, or DESCRIPTION or other field desired in the selection lists. |
Item | Category | Release Note |
Enable Use of "Header Only" Time Slips | ETime | Program Change - E-Time has been expanded to allow the use of "header only" time slips where all relevant information can be entered on the header slip without having to add any details. This means per time slip you can only have one pay activity instead of using detail slips to add multiple activities. If multiple activities occur on the same day for a certain employee they can still add separate header slips where the start time and end times do not overlap on that day. |
Add C_PART_3_CODE As Option to Filter List of Blocks | ETime | Program Change - E-Time now has the option of adding the C_PART_3_CODE from the Blocks table as a filter on the slip entry screen. Once one has been selected only the Blocks assigned to that particular C_PART_3_CODE are available to pick from. This has been used as "Project" in our testing but another use could be to pick a "County" or a "Timbermark." |
Item | Category | Release Note |
Include ADD button to Approver Grid to add Time Cards for Others or Approver | ETime | Program Change - A supervisor can now be allowed to add time cards for users in the system. The feature uses a separate checkbox so you can choose which supervisors see the Add Time Card button. This requires the user be a Supervisor AND have this new checkbox checked. They can still approve time sheets as they always have, but can also now add time sheets for any other worker or themselves. Once they add the time entries, they can then immediately review and approve them without having to log out and log back in. But they can only approve time cards for users assigned to them. |
Approve from Detail Page | ETime | Program Change - Approvers can now click an "Approve" button from the header page of an individual time card to approve the card and be returned to the time slip listing. This allows them to click a slip # to review it, and while still in it decide to approve it rather than having to go back to the grid listing and check off the Approve checkbox. |
Save Approvals from the Grid when Viewing Ticket Details | ETime | Program Change - While logged in as a supervisor the checked or unchecked status of the Approve checkbox is saved when clicking on slip numbers to review them, adding a new time card, or logging out. It does not save when changing the date range or the employee selected however. This allows a supervisor to review time slips or add time slips, then return to the gird and keep checking off slips to approve in a batch using the Submit Approvals button. Prior to this change if you clicked into a slip or added a new card you would lose all pending approvals unless you remembered to click the Submit Approvals button first. |
Correct End Time of 12:XX in 24 Hour Mode Shown as 00:XX After Save | ETime | Program Fix - Corrected an error in the 24 hour clock world where an end time of 12:XX would always save as 00:XX. Ie. it shifted 12:XX PM equivalent times to be 12:XX AM. |
Truck Code or Equipment Code Available on Details | ETime | Program Change - The E-Time entry form for time card details can now support a Truck Code or an Equipment Code choice. Both can be enabled, but only one can be used on a detail. When a Truck is picked it sets the Equipment to NONE. When an Equipment is picked it sets the Truck to NONE. |
In-Active Workers do not Show if all Time Cards are Approved | ETime | Program Change - The Employee drop down list will only show workers marked as in-active if they have un-approved time cards within the last year. |
Corrected Error Saving Comments in E-Time | ETime | Program Fix - Corrected an issue where trying to just save supervisor comments could fail with an error if some of the rows in the grid were already approved and locked down. |
Remove Dash (-) in AM/PM Pick List | ETime | Program Change - In an AM/PM world the "-" dash entry has been removed so the only options are AM or PM. |
Item | Category | Release Note |
Worker and Approver Grid Show Block and Equipment if Show-Details On | ETime | Program Change - The supervisor grid now shows the block and EQ unit if the show details feature is turned on. |
Can Void Details from Header | ETime | Program Change - We can now delete individual details from the header tab by clicking the delete checkbox on a detail row and then clicking Save/New or Save/Exit or editing a detail not marked for deletion (Any action that refreshes the form). We still have to edit the first detail and click void if we want to delete the whole ticket. |
Show Date, Time, and Total Hours on Details | ETime | Program Change - The top of the detail page shows us Time Info: which shows us the Start Time - End Time and a sum of the current detail hours. If in balance with the header this is in black, if out of balance it is red. This helps us remember how many hours still need to be accounted for to be in balance with the header. |
Header Start/End Times Can Be Dropdowns | ETime | Program Change - We can enable a feature so the Start Time and End Time entry fields become drop down selections with 15 minute increments. This is only for an AM/PM world, no 24-hour clock support. We lose to-the-minute accuracy if enabling this. |
Assign Different ETime Configurations to Employees | ETime | Program Change - We can now assign different Time Entry formats to different employees. Ie. we can hide or add entry fields depending on the employee. |
Ability to have Two EQ Units Operated by Single Operator | ETime | Program Change - We have added a way to configure a 2nd Equipment field so each time card detail can have production hours for the Employee & Primary Equipment, these will go into Time Details. But we can then pick a 2nd Equipment Unit and the activity it was performing and enter the hours for that unit. The main employee hours will go into Time Details (or Time Details Contractors if they are a sub contractor) and the hours for the 2nd Equipment will go into Equipment Time Details without an association to the employee. This is useful if an employee starts up an unmanned machine like a chipper and then hops on a unit for processing and so we need to track both machine's hours on one time slip. |
Default Activities Load First then Eligible | ETime | Program Change - Activities for Equipment Units marked as Is Default = True will load first in the list, then those entered as Eligible but NOT default will load next. You can have more than one default activity chosen and they will load at the top. |
Restrict Employee Selector to Assigned ETime Users | ETime | Program Change - The Employee drop down for supervisors will only show employees with entries in the last year. Additionally if they are setup to assign employees to supervisors they will only see employees assigned to them. |
Save/New and Save/Add Buttons added to Header/Details | ETime | Program Change - The Detail entry step has a Save/Add button which will save the current detail and re-fresh the form so you can immediately enter another detail. The Header entry step has a Save/New button which will save the current time slip and re-fresh the form so you can immediately enter another time slip. |
Logout and Add New Buttons on Top and Bottom of Page | ETime | Program Change - All buttons in the time listing grid are now at the top of the page as well as the bottom (Logout, Add New Time Card etc.) |
Option to Right-Justify Stubs in Entry Form | ETime | Program Change - We can define a custom CSS stylesheet in web.config now. There is a default version available that right-aligns the stubs next to the entry fields on the time slips but only for desktops. |