Caribou Software

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Error Messages

Errors in Calculating Pay for Production Slips, either for Employees or Contractors -- CalcContractPay_PRODUCTION

Error # Message What it Means
1001 EMPLOYEE PRODUCTION -- PAY_CONTRACT_RATE not Set up For: EMPLOYEE = [ ]; TIME_SLIP_DATE = [ ] AND AND PAY BASIS = [ ] In the Employee Calculator you have an entry for an employee in the Data Entry | Production Activity | Employees, but do not have a pay rate set up.  The error message indicates the employee, the date, and the pay basis for the production activity.

Things to check when this occurs:

  • Is there a base pay rate setup?  Check under Setup | Workers | Worker Setup from the Main Menu.  Select the Tab 'Employee Base Rates'.  Be sure there is a rate set up in the grid for the employee.
  • Is there a rate?  Check the effective date.  Is the time slip entry date prior to the base rate effective date?  If so, the system cannot identify a rate to apply to the employee.  Is the effective date valid?  
  • Check the 'Rate Type.' (pay basis)  The Rate Type must be set to match the same basis entered for employee's production activity.  For example, if you enter DAYs as the basis, you must have an employee DAY base rate set up.  Similarly, if the basis is MILES, you need a rate for Miles. 
1002 CONTRACTOR PRODUCTION -- PAY_CONTRACT_RATE not Set up For: WORKER = [ ]; VENDOR = [ ]; TIME_SLIP_DATE = [ ] AND AND PAY BASIS = [ ] In the Vendor Calculator you have an entry for a worker (contractor) in the Data Entry | Production Activity | Sub Contractors, but do not have a pay rate set up.  The error message indicates the worker, the vendor for who he works, the date, and the pay basis for the production activity.

Things to check when this occurs:

  • Is there a base pay rate setup?  Check under Setup | Workers | Worker Setup from the Main Menu.  Select the Tab 'Employee Base Rates'.  Be sure there is a rate set up in the grid for the worker (contractor).
  • Is there a rate?  Check the effective date.  Is the time slip entry date prior to the base rate effective date?  If so, the system cannot identify a rate to apply to the worker.  Is the effective date valid?  
  • Check the 'Rate Type.' (pay basis)  The Rate Type must be set to match the same basis entered for the worker's production activity.  For example, if you enter DAYs as a basis, you must have an employee DAY base rate set up.  Similarly, if the basis is MILES, you need a rate for MILES. 
1003 Production Pay. Equipment or Truck required For Pay Based on Owner. VENDOR = [ ], ACTIVITY = [ ] AND TIME_SLIP_DATE = [ ] Ref= [ ] In the Vendor Calculator you have an entry for a worker (contractor) in the Data Entry | Production Activity | Sub Contractors and you have a matching pay rate set up to pay the Vendor wildcard 'OWNER'.  In the case of an 'OWNER' contract you must have a piece of equipment or a truck entered on the production ticket.  The error message indicates the vendor, the production ticket date, and the reference number of the production ticket.
1004 Production Pay. No Equip Owner Where OWNER_CODE FROM EQUIPMENT WHERE EQUIP_CODE = [ ]; TIME_SLIP_DATE = [ ]; Ref= [ ] Internal Logger's Edge Error.  Error message indicates that for an unknown reason, the Equipment Owner could not be identified.  This circumstance should never happen.  If, however, you receive this message contact Caribou Software.
1005 Production Pay. No Truck Owner Where OWNER_CODE FROM TRUCKS WHERE EQUIP_CODE = [ ]; TIME_SLIP_DATE = [ ]; Ref= [ ] Internal Logger's Edge Error.  Error message indicates that for an unknown reason, the Truck Owner could not be identified.  This circumstance should never happen.  If, however, you receive this message contact Caribou Software.
1006 Production Pay. Equip Owner is [ ] Where OWNER_CODE FROM EQUIPMENT WHERE EQUIP_CODE = [ ];  TIME_SLIP_DATE = [ ]; Ref= [] In the Vendor Calculator you have an entry for a worker (contractor) in the Data Entry | Production Activity | Sub Contractors and you have a matching pay rate set up to pay the Vendor wildcard 'OWNER'.  The error indicates that on the production ticket you have entered a piece of equipment that is owned by Your Company and not by a third party contractor.  The OWNER wildcard will only pay third-party contractors; entries with your own equipment will be skipped.  If this is what you intend, this warning can be ignored.
1007 Production Pay. Truck Owner is [ ] Where OWNER_CODE FROM TRUCKS WHERE TRUCK_CODE = [ ];  TIME_SLIP_DATE = [ ]; Ref= [] In the Vendor Calculator you have an entry for a worker (contractor) in the Data Entry | Production Activity | Sub Contractors and you have a matching pay rate set up to pay the Vendor wildcard 'OWNER'.  The error indicates that on the production ticket you have entered a truck that is owned by Your Company and not by a third party contractor.  The OWNER wildcard will only pay third-party contractors; entries with your own trucks will be skipped.  If this is what you intend, this warning can be ignored.
Errors in Calculating Load Payments -- GetPayWeight
Error # Message What it Means
1101 No Conversion Set Up For [From UOM] to [To UOM] For Block/Tract [ ] In the Vendor or Employee calculator, the Logger's Edge is attempting to calculate the pay weight of the load and must convert the [From UOM] units of measure to the [To UOM] units of measure.  For example, you might need to convert KGS into M3 or LBS into MBF.  The error message indicates the 'convert from' unit of measure (UOM) and the 'convert to' unit of measure.  The message also indicates the block/tract for which the conversion is required.

Each Pay Contract Rate or Revenue Contract Rate has a pay basis (e.g., M3, Tonne, MBF, Ton, Cord) and each block/tract has a 'Unit of Measure for Deliveries' (Step 6 of the block/tract setup wizard).  In processing pay, the Logger's Edge will convert the delivery measure UOM (the convert from UOM) for the block/tract into the pay basis for the pay rate (the convert to UOM).  If you receive this error message, it means that you have not set up a conversion rate for the specific combination of convert  from UOM, convert to UOM and block/tract.

Things to check when this occurs:

  • Is there a conversion rate set up for the block/tract that has the matching 'convert from' unit of measure?  Does it have a matching 'convert to' unit of measure?  Conversions are set up in the block/tract setup wizard.  Check to make sure that  the specific combination of 'convert  from' UOM, and 'convert to' UOM exist for the block/tract.
  • Check the conversion attributes for the load.  For example, if your conversion rate is based on an attribute like destination or species or stratum, you need to a rate that matches the load.  For example if you base the conversion for a given block/tract on species and you set up a rate for Pine, bit the load species is Oak, you will get this error message.  The attributes of the conversion rate must match those of the load (or be blank - signifying ignore).
  • Check the effective date.  The effective date of the conversion rate must precede the date out for the load in question
1102 No Conversion Parts Setup for the ALL Block Internal Logger's Edge Error.  Error message indicates the CONVERSION_PARTS Table is missing a record for the 'ALL' Block/Tract.  This circumstance should never happen.  If, however, you receive this message contact Caribou Software.
1103 Warning: No Maximum Weight Set for Truck: [ ], NO Overload applied. Ticket: [ ] This warning indicates that you have not set up a maximum weight for the truck listed on the load ticket.  This error will only occur if you deduct pay for trucks that are over loaded.  The warning indicates that for the given truck no maximum weight has been set up and, therefore, no overload will be calculated.

Things to check when this occurs:

  • Is there a maximum weight set up for the truck?  From the main menu navigate to Setup | Equipment / Trucks | Trucks | Truck Weights.  Check to see if the truck is listed.
  • If the attributes 'Route' and/or 'Truck Type' are enabled, they must match the load slip.  (An entry of 'NONE' will operate as a wildcard for all or ignore.)  If specific attributes are entered they must match the load slip.
  • If the effective date is enabled, the 'date in' of the load must be subsequent to the effective date.
1104 Warning #1104: No Valid Overload Deduction Schedule Bracket: Schedule [], Overload: []. NO Overload Deduction applied. Ticket: []
This warning occurs when you are using the extended overload functionality and have set up your overloads to be based on a step schedule based on the overload amount and there is NO step weight that is lower than the overload amount.  In order to fix this warning, you need to ensure that a step exists with a lower bound less than or equal to the overload amount
1105 No Weight Code Set Up Dist/Weight Pay For Ticket: [] and Activity: [] This error occurs when you have a pay rate set up to pay based on distance/weight (ton-mile or tonne-kilometer), but you have not defined what weight measure to use.  The default measure is NONE and you must select either Ton or Tonne (or another weight unit of measure, where relevant)

Errors in Calculating Employee Pay -- GetVolPerTree

Error # Message What it Means
1201 Volume Per Tree not found for Block/Tract Code: [ ] Internal Logger's Edge Error.  Error message indicates the Block/Tract entry for the Block/Tract Code is missing.  This circumstance should never happen.  If, however, you receive this message contact Caribou Software.
1202 Volume Per Tree 2 not found for Block/Tract Code: [ ] Internal Logger's Edge Error.  Error message indicates the Block/Tract entry for the Block/Tract Code is missing.  This circumstance should never happen.  If, however, you receive this message contact Caribou Software.

Errors in Calculating Employee Pay -- GetTruckCostRate

Error # Message What it Means
1301 Truck FULL_FOUNDED_RATE / STD_COST  not found for Truck Code: [ ], Time Slip Date: [ ] In the Employee calculator, the Logger's Edge is attempting to calculate the standard cost (or fully founded cost) for company-owned trucks.  The error indicates that for the truck in question, there is either (1) no standard cost rate set up; or (2) there is a standard cost rate set up but its effective date is subsequent to the time slip date.

This error only applies if you have set up your costing for trucks to be on an hourly basis (not load slip).

In order to fix this error you need to enter a standard cost rate for the truck.  from the main menu go to Setup | Equipment / Trucks | Trucks | Truck Costing and enter you truck standard cost.  If you do not know (or do not wish to track), you can always enter a zero rate and thereby avoid the error message.

1302 Equipment FULL_FOUNDED_RATE / STD_COST  not found for Equipment Code: [ ], Time Slip Date: [ ] In the Employee calculator, the Logger's Edge is attempting to calculate the standard cost (or fully founded cost) for company-owned equipment.  The error indicates that for the equipment in question, there is either (1) no standard cost rate set up; or (2) there is a standard cost rate set up but its effective date is subsequent to the time slip date.

In order to fix this error you need to enter a standard cost rate for the truck.  from the main menu go to Setup | Equipment / Trucks | Equipment | Equipment Costing and enter you equipment standard cost.  If you do not know (or do not wish to track), you can always enter a zero rate and thereby avoid the error message.

Errors in Calculating Revenue -- GetEquipChargeOutRate

Error # Message What it Means
1401 Charge Out Rate not found for TRUCK_CODE / EQUIPMENT_CODE [ ]; Date: [ ]; Contract: [ ]; Basis: [ ]; Activity: [ ] This error indicates that in the Invoices calculator, the Logger's Edge cannot find a charge out rate for the indicated piece of equipment.  In calculating revenue for revenue contracts that are based on equipment (not loads), the invoice calculator requires a matching charge-out rate for each time slip entry where the indicated revenue contract has been specified.

This error only occurs for revenue contracts that specify equipment is to be charged out.

The error message indicates the equipment code, the date (time slip date), the Contract (the Revenue Contract), the Basis and the Activity.  Equipment Charge Out Rates are entered under Setup | Equipment / Trucks | Equipment | Equipment Charge Out Rates.

Things to check when this occurs:

  • Is there a charge out rate set up for the equipment?  From the main menu navigate to  Setup | Equipment / Trucks | Equipment | Equipment Charge Out Rates and make sure there is a rate set up for the equipment.
  • Does the basis match?  The basis for the rate must match the time or production entry.  For example, if you have a an hourly time slip entry you must have an HR rate; similarly is you have a DAY entry for production you must have a DAY rate.  ('NONE' will not work.)
  • Does the Activity match?  The activity on the rate must match the activity of the time/production entry or must be the 'NONE'  wildcard (meaning all or ignore).
  • Does the Contract match?  The revenue contract on the rate must match the contract of the time/production entry or must be the 'NONE'  wildcard (meaning all or ignore).
  • Is the effective date valid?  The effective date must precede the time/production entry in order to apply.  If the effective date is after the time/production entry, you will receive this error message.


Errors in Calculating Revenue -- GetBaseChargeOutRate

Error # Message What it Means
1402 Base Charge Out Rate not found for Employee: [ ]; Time Slip Date: [ ] This error indicates that in the Invoices calculator, the Logger's Edge cannot find a base charge out rate for the indicated piece of employee/worker.  In calculating revenue for revenue contracts that are based on workers (not loads), the invoice calculator requires a matching charge-out rate for each time slip entry where the revenue contract specifies that worker time is to be charged out.

The error message indicates the employee and the date (time slip date).  Base Employee/Worker Charge Out Rates are entered under Setup | Workers | Employee Base Rates in the column 'Charge Out Rate'.

Things to check when this occurs:

  • Is there a charge out rate set up for the worker?  From the main menu navigate to  Setup | Workers | Employee Base Rates and make sure there is a charge out rate set up for the worker.
  • Does the basis match?  The basis for the rate must match the time or production entry.  For example, if you have a an hourly time slip entry you must have an HR rate; similarly is you have a DAY entry for production you must have a DAY rate.  ('NONE' will not work.)
  • Is the effective date valid?  The effective date must precede the time/production entry in order to apply.  If the effective date is after the time/production entry, you will receive this error message.

Errors in Calculating Employee Pay -- GetNightShiftFactor

Error # Message What it Means
1501 Night Shift Factor not Found for Activity: [ ] Internal Logger's Edge Error.  Error message indicates the Pay Activity Type Entry is missing for the indicated Activity.  This circumstance should never happen.  If, however, you receive this message contact Caribou Software.

Errors in Calculating Employee Pay -- GetDoubleTimeFactor

Error # Message What it Means
1502 Double Time Factor not Found for Activity: [ ] Internal Logger's Edge Error.  Error message indicates the Pay Activity Type Entry is missing for the indicated Activity.  This circumstance should never happen.  If, however, you receive this message contact Caribou Software.

Errors in Calculating Employee Pay -- DoesTimeQualifyForOverTime

Error # Message What it Means
1503 Is Overtime Flag not Found for Activity: [ ] Internal Logger's Edge Error.  Error message indicates the Pay Activity Type Entry is missing for the indicated Activity.  This circumstance should never happen.  If, however, you receive this message contact Caribou Software.

Errors in Calculating Employee Pay -- GetWeekendTimeFactor

Error # Message What it Means
1504 Weekend Time Factor not Found for Day: [SAT/SUN]; and Activity: [ ] Internal Logger's Edge Error.  Error message indicates the Pay Activity Type Entry is missing for the indicated Activity.  This circumstance should never happen.  If, however, you receive this message contact Caribou Software.

Errors in Calculating Employee Pay -- GetActivityType

Error # Message What it Means
1505 PAY_ACTIVITY_TYPE_CODE not Found for Activity: [ ]  Internal Logger's Edge Error.  Error message indicates the Pay Activity Type Entry is missing for the indicated Activity.  This circumstance should never happen.  If, however, you receive this message contact Caribou Software.

Errors in Calculating Employee Pay -- GetWeekHours

1506 No Valid Week Setup for [TIME_SLIP_DATE]. Your overtime rules require weeks to be set up that encompass all time entries. This error occurs when you have a weekly overtime limit (e.g. 40 hours) and are processing a time slip for a date that precedes the first week you have set up.  For example, if you are processing a time slip for May 5, 2006, but your earliest week starts on July 1, 2006, you will receive this error.  To set up weeks, navigate to Setup | Accounting | Weeks, or you can  automatically set up your weeks for a new year under File | System Configuration.

Errors in Calculating Employee Pay -- CalcHourlyEmployeePay

1601 No Pay Rate for Employee: [], Date: [] For each time detail record, the Logger's Edge will test to see if the record should be paid based on hours or tree counts.  If no relevant employee pay rate is set up for either hourly or tree count (or tree volume) pay, you will receive this error.

Things to check when this occurs:

  • Is there a pay rate set up for the worker?  From the main menu navigate to  Setup | Workers | Employee Base Rates and make sure there is a pay rate set up for the employee.
  • Does the basis match?  The basis for the rate must be either HR, TREES. or TREE_VOL.  For example, if you have a an hourly time slip entry you must have an HR rate; similarly is you pay by tree count must have a TREES rate.  ('NONE' will not work.)
  • Is the effective date valid?  The effective date must precede the time/production entry in order to apply.  If the effective date is after the time/production entry, you will receive this error message.

Note:  Because one time slip can be "paid" by hour, tree count or tree volume, or by any combination (e.g. can be paid on both an hourly and a tree count basis), you will only receive this error if there are no applicable rates.

Errors in Calculating Contractor Hourly Rental Payments -- CalcContractPay_HOURLY_RENTAL
Error # Message What it Means
2001 CONTRACTOR HOURLY -- RENTAL RATE not Set up For: EQUIPMENT = [ ]; TIME_SLIP_DATE = [ ]; ACTIVITY = [ ] AND BASIS = [ ] In the Vendor Calculator you have an entry in one of the following places:

1.  Time Entry - Employees

2.  Time Entry - Equipment

3.  Time Entry - Contractors

4.  Production Activity Entry - Employees

that has a piece of equipment identified as rental equipment, but do not have a pay rate set up.  The error message indicates the equipment unit, the date, and the activity. 

An equipment unit is set up as rental equipment by a check mark in the 'Is Rental Equipment' column in the Equipment setup.

Rental rates are set up under Setup | Equipment / Trucks | Equipment | Equipment Charge Out Rates in the Rental Rate column.  The basis (usually HR) is in the column 'Basis'.

Things to check when this occurs:

  • Is there a rental rate setup?  Check under Setup | Equipment / Trucks | Equipment | Equipment Charge Out Rates from the Main Menu.  Be sure there is a rate set up in the grid for rental equipment unit.
  • Is there a rate?  Check the effective date.  Is the time slip entry date prior to the base rate effective date?  If so, the system cannot identify a rate to apply to the rental equipment.  The effective date on the rental rate must precede the date on the time ticket.
  • Check the 'Activity.'  The activity must match between the rental rate (rental rates are activity specific) and the activity on the time or production slip.  If they do not match you will receive error #2001.
  • Check the 'Basis.'  The Basis must be set to match the same basis entered for the time ticket.  For time slips (Employee, Contractor, Equipment), the Basis for the rate must be set to 'HR'.  For employee production slips, the Basis must match between the production slips and the rental rate.  For example, if you enter DAYs as the basis, you must have an rental rate DAY set up.  Similarly, if the basis MILES, you need a rental rate for MILES.


Errors in Calculating Contractor Hourly Payments -- CalcContractPay_HOURLY
Error # Message What it Means
3001 Hourly Pay. Equipment or Truck required For Pay Based on Owner. VENDOR = [ ]; ACTIVITY = [ ];  TIME_SLIP_DATE = [ ]; AND Ref= [ ] In the Vendor Calculator you have an entry for a worker (contractor) in the Data Entry | Time Slips | Sub Contractors and you have a matching pay rate set up to pay the Vendor wildcard 'OWNER'.  In the case of an 'OWNER' contract you must have a piece of equipment or a truck entered on the production ticket.  The error message indicates the vendor, the activity, the time slip date, and the reference number of the time ticket.
3002 Hourly Pay. No Equip Owner Where OWNER_CODE FROM EQUIPMENT WHERE EQUIP_CODE = [ ]; TIME_SLIP_DATE = [ ];  AND Ref= [ ] Internal Logger's Edge Error.  Error message indicates that for an unknown reason, the Equipment Owner could not be identified.  This circumstance should never happen.  If, however, you receive this message contact Caribou Software.
3003 Hourly Pay. No Truck Owner Where OWNER_CODE FROM TRUCK WHERE TRUCK_CODE = [ ]; TIME_SLIP_DATE = [ ];  AND Ref= [ ] Internal Logger's Edge Error.  Error message indicates that for an unknown reason, the Truck Owner could not be identified.  This circumstance should never happen.  If, however, you receive this message contact Caribou Software.
3004 Hourly Pay. Equip Owner is [ ] Where OWNER_CODE FROM EQUIPMENT WHERE EQUIP_CODE = [ ]; TIME_SLIP_DATE = [ ]; AND Ref= [ ]  In the Vendor Calculator you have an entry for a worker (contractor) in the Data Entry | Time Slips | Sub Contractors and you have a matching pay rate set up to pay the Vendor wildcard 'OWNER'.  The error indicates that on the time slip you have entered a piece of equipment that is owned by Your Company and Not by a third party contractor.  The OWNER wildcard will only pay third-party contractors; entries with your own equipment will be skipped.  If this is what you intend, this warning can be ignored.
3005 Hourly Pay. Truck Owner is [ ] Where OWNER_CODE FROM TRUCKS WHERE TRUCK_CODE = [ ]; TIME_SLIP_DATE = [ ]; AND Ref= [ ]  In the Vendor Calculator you have an entry for a worker (contractor) in the Data Entry | Time Slips | Sub Contractors and you have a matching pay rate set up to pay the Vendor wildcard 'OWNER'.  The error indicates that on the time slip you have entered a truck that is owned by Your Company and Not by a third party contractor.  The OWNER wildcard will only pay third-party contractors; entries with your own trucks will be skipped.  If this is what you intend, this warning can be ignored.
3006 CONTRACTOR HOURLY/TREES -- PAY_CONTRACT_RATE not Set up For: WORKER = [ ]; VENDOR = [ ]; ACTIVITY = [ ]; TIME_SLIP_DATE = [ ]; AND Ref= [ ]  In the Vendor Calculator you have an entry for a worker (contractor) in the Data Entry | Time Slips | Sub Contractors, but do not have a pay rate set up.  The error message indicates the worker, the vendor for who he works, the activity, the date, and the reference number.

Things to check when this occurs:

  • Is there a base pay rate setup?  Check under Setup | Workers | Worker Setup from the Main Menu.  Select the Tab 'Employee Base Rates'.  Be sure there is a rate set up in the grid for the worker (contractor).
  • Is there a rate?  Check the effective date.  Is the time slip entry date prior to the base rate effective date?  If so, the system cannot identify a rate to apply to the worker.  Is the effective date valid?  
  • Check the 'Rate Type' (pay basis).  The Rate Type must be set to HR, TREES or TREE_VOL.  For any worker time ticket, there must be at least one rate based on either hours, tree counts or tree volume.  (You can have multiple rates for a worker of different types.  For example, you can set up to pay a worker by hours and tree counts on the same slip.)
Errors in Calculating Load Payments -- ProcessLoadActivity
Error # Message What it Means
4001 PAY_CONTRACT_RATE not Set up For: TICKET_NO = [ ]; DATE_OUT = [ ]; and ACTIVITY = [ ]

Employee: [ ]; Contract Employee: [Yes/No]

Load Details ...

For example:

Ticket: WF-10001 Detail:
Tract: 02-CLEAR-8001
Destination: IP-AUGUSTA
Species: PINE
Grade: #2 Saw
Truck No: HL6005
Truck Type: 7A
Route: ON

In the Vendor or Employee Calculator you have Load with an Activity that should be paid, but do not have a pay rate set up.  The error message indicates the load Ticket, the Date Out and the Activity.  The load details section of the message indicates the attributes of the load.  This message is for loads on a block/tract where you are tracking equipment/employees on load slips and have set the block/tract to pay either the employee operator or the a contractor operator for the activity.

The Yes/No entry for the 'Contract Employee:' tells you whether the error is for an employee (No) or for a contractor worker (Yes).  The message for the employee is generated during the employee calculator; the message for the contractor worker is generated during the vendor calculator.

Things to check when this occurs:

  • Is there a pay contract setup?  Do you have a pay contract set up to pay the contractor for the specified activity?
  • If there is a contract, is the 'Worker/Operator' type selected in Step 2 of the pay contract wizard? (It should not be 'Contractor')
  • Is there is a specific worker on the pay contract (not 'DRIVER')?  If yes, does the worker on the pay contract match the worker entered for the load slip activity in question?
  • Does the block/tract on the load match the block/tract on the pay contract?
  • Is the Pay Date on the Load between the Start Date and End Date for the Contract?
  • Is there a valid rate in the rates grid that matches this load?  Does the rate have the matching activity.  Do the rate attributes (Destination, Species, Sort, Grade, Equipment, Route, etc) either match the load or are they blank (meaning ALL)?  All load attributes on the contract MUST either match the load or be blank.  
  • Is the effective date of the RATE valid?  The effective date on the rate must precede the DATE OUT for the load.
4002 PAY_CONTRACT_RATE not Set up For: TICKET_NO = [ ]; DATE_OUT = [ ]; and ACTIVITY = [ ]

Equipment: [ ]

Load Details ...

For example:

Ticket: WF-10001 Detail:
Tract: 02-CLEAR-8001
Destination: IP-AUGUSTA
Species: PINE
Grade: #2 Saw
Truck No: HL6005
Truck Type: 7A
Route: ON

In the Vendor Calculator you have Load with an Activity that should be paid, but do not have a pay rate set up.  The error message indicates the load Ticket, the Date Out and the Activity.  The load details section of the message indicates the attributes of the load.  

This message is for loads on a block/tract where you ARE tracking equipment/employees on load slips and have set the block/tract to pay the owner of the equipment identified for the activity on the load.

Things to check when this occurs:

  • Is there a pay contract setup?  Do you have a pay contract set up to pay the contractor for the specified activity?
  • If there is a contract, is the 'Contractor' type selected in Step 2 of the pay contract wizard? (It should not be 'Worker/Operator')
  • Is there a specific contractor on the pay contract (not 'OWNER')?  If yes, does the contractor on the pay contract match the owner of the equipment entered for the load slip activity in question?
  • Does the block/tract on the load match the block/tract on the pay contract?
  • Is the Pay Date on the Load between the Start Date and End Date for the Contract?
  • Is there a valid rate in the rates grid that matches this load?  Does the rate have the matching activity.  Do the rate attributes (Destination, Species, Sort, Grade, Equipment, Route, etc) either match the load or are they blank (meaning ALL)?  All load attributes on the contract MUST either match the load or be blank.  
  • Is the effective date of the RATE valid?  The effective date on the rate must precede the DATE OUT for the load.
4003 PAY_CONTRACT_RATE not Set up For: TICKET_NO = [ ]; DATE_OUT = [ ]; and ACTIVITY = [ ]

Load Details ...

For example:

Ticket: WF-10001 Detail:
Tract: 02-CLEAR-8001
Destination: IP-AUGUSTA
Species: PINE
Grade: #2 Saw
Truck No: HL6005
Truck Type: 7A
Route: ON"

In the Vendor Calculator you have a Load with an Activity that should be paid, but do not have a pay rate set up.  The error message indicates the load Ticket, the Date Out and the Activity.  The load details section of the message indicates the attributes of the load.  

This message is for loads on a block/tract where you are NOT tracking equipment/employees on load slips.

Things to check when this occurs:

  • Is there a pay contract setup?  Do you have a pay contract set up to pay the contractor for the specified activity?
  • If there is a contract, is the 'Contractor' type selected in Step 2 of the pay contract wizard? (It should not be 'Worker/Operator')
  • Is there is a specific contractor on the pay contract (not 'OWNER')?  The OWNER wildcard will not work.  You must specify a specific contractor to pay for the activity.
  • Does the block/tract on the load match the block/tract on the pay contract?
  • Is the Pay Date on the Load between the Start Date and End Date for the Contract?
  • Is there a valid rate in the rates grid that matches this load?  Does the rate have the matching activity.  Do the rate attributes (Destination, Species, Sort, Grade, Equipment, Route, etc) either match the load or are they blank (meaning ALL)?  All load attributes on the contract MUST either match the load or be blank.  
  • Is the effective date of the RATE valid?  The effective date on the rate must precede the DATE OUT for the load.
4004 Truck Driver not been entered (set to NONE) for TICKET_NO = [ ]; DATE_OUT = [ ]; and ACTIVITY = [ ] In the Vendor or Employee Calculator you have a Load with TRUCKING where the driver should be paid.  The pay contract that matches the load uses the wildcard 'DRIVER' entry, but the actual driver on the Load is entered as 'NONE'.  The 'DRIVER' wildcard only works if a specific driver (either employee or worker) is entered on the load. 

The error message tells you the Ticket Number and Date Out of the ticket that must be corrected.

4005 Operator not entered (set to NONE) for TICKET_NO =[ ]; DATE_OUT = [ ]; and ACTIVITY = [ ] In the Vendor or Employee Calculator you have Load with an Activity where the operator should be paid.  The pay contract that matches the load uses the wildcard 'DRIVER' entry, but the actual operator on the Load for the Activity in question is entered as 'NONE'.  The 'DRIVER' wildcard only works if a specific operator (either employee or worker) is entered for the activity on the load. 

The error message tells you the Ticket Number, the Date Out of the ticket, and the Activity that must be corrected.

4006 No Truck Owner Where OWNER_CODE FROM TRUCKS WHERE CODE = [ ] Internal Logger's Edge Error.  Error message indicates that for an unknown reason, the Truck Owner could not be identified.  This circumstance should never happen.  If, however, you receive this message contact Caribou Software.
4007 Truck not entered (set to NONE) for TICKET_NO = [ ]; and DATE_OUT = [ ] and ACTIVITY = [ ] In the Vendor Calculator you have a Load with TRUCKING where the owner should be paid.  The pay contract that matches the load uses the wildcard 'OWNER' entry, but the actual truck on the Load is entered as 'NONE'.  The 'OWNER' wildcard only works if a specific truck number is entered on the load. 

The error message tells you the Ticket Number, the Date Out of the ticket, and the Activity that must be corrected.

4008 No Truck Owner Where OWNER_CODE FROM TRUCKS WHERE CODE = [ ] Internal Logger's Edge Error.  Error message indicates that for an unknown reason, the Truck Owner could not be identified.  This circumstance should never happen.  If, however, you receive this message contact Caribou Software.
4009 Equipment not entered for TICKET_NO = [ ]; DATE_OUT = [ ]; and ACTIVITY = [ ] In the Vendor Calculator you have a Load with an Activity where the equipment owner should be paid.  The pay contract that matches the load uses the wildcard 'OWNER' entry, but the actual equipment on the Load for the activity is entered as 'NONE'.  The 'OWNER' wildcard only works if a specific equipment unit is entered on the load. 

The error message tells you the Ticket Number, the Date Out of the ticket, and the Activity that must be corrected.

4010 Statement [] Posted for TICKET_NO = []; DATE_OUT = []; and ACTIVITY = [] This error only occurs if posting of statements is enabled.  Once a statement has been posted, pay records cannot be added or deleted from a statement.  If you run the pay calculator, and the statement upon which the load pay record would be attached has already been posted, you will receive this error.  This error most commonly occurs when you have processed a pay period, but have received a late load ticket.  You can no longer "pay" the ticket in the original period (because it has been posted), therefore, you must shift the ticket into a future period by changing the date for pay on the load to fall within a pay period that is still open.
4011 Warning #4011: Distance for Load Ticket [] is <= 0.0. Minimum Pay is Applied. In the load pay calculator, you will receive this warning when you have a minimum pay amount defined for pay, and have specified that the minimum amount applies for loads with a distance under a certain set length.  For example, you hauling rate is set to pay a minimum of $75.00 per load if the distance is less than 50 miles.  If the load has a distance of zero (0.0), you will receive this warning -- processing will continue and the load will be paid the minimum.
Errors in Calculating Revenue for Loads Slips -- CalcRevenue_LOAD_SLIPS_NEW
Error # Message What it Means
5001 REVENUE_CONTRACT_RATE not Set up For: REVENUE_CONTRACT_CODE = [ ], TICKET_NO = [], PAY_ACTIVITY = [ ], DATE_OUT = [ ] In the Invoices Calculator you have a Load Ticket for a revenue contract, but do not have a matching pay rate.  The error message indicates the revenue contract, the ticket number, the activity and the date out of the load.

To understand this error, it is useful to understand how invoices calculator works.

Step 1:  The calculator steps through the list of revenue contracts you have set up and considers each contract, one at a time.

Step 2.  For any given revenue contract, create a list of activities that are identified in the revenue rates list.  The Logger's Edge will calculate revenue for each activity.  For example, if you have a rate for Harvesting and a rate for Trucking, the Logger's Edge will attempt to calculate revenue for each load for Harvesting and Trucking.  If  you have a rate for an activity that only applies to a subset of loads, the calculator will still try to calculate revenue for the other set loads for the specific activity.  If a rate does not exist, you will receive Error #5001.  Hint:  If you do want to receive this error, set up a Zero ($0.00) for the loads not in your subset.

Step 3:  The Calculator then selects all loads that match the blocks (or tracts) and the destinations identified on the revenue contract.  Blocks (or tracts) and destinations are assigned to a revenue contract in the revenue contract wizard.  In other words, the calculator will select all the loads that match the blocks (tracts) and destinations for each revenue contract.

Step 4: The calculator considers each activity on the revenue contract and attempts to find a matching revenue rate.  If no matching rate is found, you will receive Error #5001.

Things to check when this occurs:

  • Is the Date Out on the Load between the Start Date and End Date for the Contract?
  • Is the Date Out on the Load after the effective date for the relevant rate?  If the Date Out is prior to the effective date, you will receive Error #5001.
  • Is there a valid rate in the revenue rates grid on the revenue contract?  Does the rate have the matching activity (e.g. HARVESTING, TRUCKING, LOG DELIVERY)?  Do the rate attributes (Destination, Species, Sort, Grade, Truck, Route, etc) either match the load or are they blank (meaning ALL).  All load attributes must match the rate attributes (or the rate attributes must be blank).  For example if you have a rate set up to pay species PINE and sort SAW_LOGS and you have a load that is species SPRUCE  and sort SAW_LOGS, you will receive this error.  To fix this error, you need to either (1) set the species to blank (meaning 'ALL') for the rate, thereby setting the same rate for PINE and SPRUCE; or (2) set up a new rate for SPRUCE.

Sometimes, you will want to receive revenue for some loads, but not others.  For example, you may receive revenue for HARVESTING for all loads, but sometimes you receive revenue specifically for TRUCKING.  If you set up a specific revenue rate for a subset of loads for trucking, you will receive Error #5001 for those loads that are not paid.  If you do want to receive this error, set up a Zero ($0.00) default rate for TRUCKING and a specific TRUCKING rate for the loads for which you receive revenue.

Errors in Calculating Load Payments -- CalcOwnTruckCost
Error # Message What it Means
6001 No Truck Owner Where OWNER_CODE FROM TRUCKS WHERE CODE = [ ] Internal Logger's Edge Error.  Error message indicates that for an unknown reason, the Truck Owner could not be identified.  This circumstance should never happen.  If, however, you receive this message contact Caribou Software.
6002 Truck FULL_FOUNDED_RATE / STD_COST not found for Truck Code [ ]; Load Date [ ] In the Vendor or Employee calculator, the Logger's Edge is attempting to calculate the standard cost (or fully founded cost) for company-owned trucks.  The error indicates that for the truck in question, there is either (1) no standard cost rate set up; or (2) there is a standard cost rate set up but its effective date is subsequent to the load date.

This error only applies if you have set up your costing for trucks to be on an load slip basis (not hourly).

In order to fix this error you need to enter a standard cost rate for the truck.  from the main menu go to Setup | Equipment / Trucks | Trucks | Truck Costing and enter you truck standard cost.  If you do not know (or do not wish to track), you can always enter a zero rate and thereby avoid the error message.

6003 Warning #6003: No Pay Weight. In calculating the internal truck cost for your own trucks, the Logger's Edge has not been able to calculate a pay weight (e.g. Tons, Tonnes, Ton-Mile, Tonne-Kilometer).  In this case, the pay weight is set to zero and processing continues.
Errors in Calculating Load Payments -- GetLoadRevenueRate
Error # Message What it Means
7001 No Load Revenue Rate for Load [ ]; and Activity [ ] In the Vendor or Employee calculator, the Logger's Edge is attempting to calculate the pay for a load where the pay contract has been set up as a 'Percent of Load Revenue' contract.  The error message indicates that there is no matching load revenue for the Load and the Activity displayed.

Things to check when this occurs:

  • Have you run the 'Invoices Calculator' for the load?  The load revenue for a load is calculated when the Invoices Calculator is run. 
  • Does the Activity for the Load under the Revenue Contract match the activity on the Pay Contract?  For example, if you want to pay Trucking at 90 percent of  Revenue, you must have a revenue contract that accrues revenue for the Trucking activity.  If the revenue activity is 'LOG SALES', for example, the activity would not match and you would receive this error.
7002 $0.00 Load Revenue Rate for Load [ ]; and Activity [ ] In the Vendor or Employee calculator, the Logger's Edge is attempting to calculate the pay for a load where the pay contract has been set up as a 'Percent of Load Revenue' contract.  The error message indicates that there is a matching revenue rate, but that the rate is $0.00.  In this case, the pay rate would also be zero.

You need to replace the $0.00 revenue rate with a non-zero rate.

7003 Rate Basis in Blank for Load Revenue Rate, Load [ ]; and Activity [ ] Internal Logger's Edge Error.  Error message indicates that for an unknown reason, the Rate Basis is a Blank (Null).  This circumstance should never happen.  If, however, you receive this message contact Caribou Software.
7004 Missing Load Revenue for Load [ ]; and Activity [ ] Internal Logger's Edge Error.  Error message indicates that for an unknown reason, the Revenue Rate is a Blank (Null).  This circumstance should never happen.  If, however, you receive this message contact Caribou Software.
Errors in Calculating Load Payments -- GetLoadValue
Error # Message What it Means
8001 Missing Load Revenue for Load [ ] In the Vendor or Employee calculator, the Logger's Edge is attempting to calculate the pay for a load where the pay contract has been set up as a 'Percent of Load Value' contract.  The error message indicates that there is no matching load revenue for the Load displayed.  The 'Percent of Load Value' requires that at least one revenue contract be set up and the invoices calculator be run in order to process the payment contract.

Things to check when this occurs:

  • Have you run the 'Invoices Calculator' for the load?  The load revenue for a load is calculated when the Invoices Calculator is run.
  • Have you set up a Revenue Contract to calculate the revenue for he load?
8002 $0.00 Load Revenue for Load [ ] In the Vendor or Employee calculator, the Logger's Edge is attempting to calculate the pay for a load where the pay contract has been set up as a 'Percent of Load Value' contract.  The error message indicates that there is matching load revenue for the Load, but that it is $0.00.  The 'Percent of Load Value' requires a non-zero value for Load Revenue.

Things to check when this occurs:

  • Have you run the 'Invoices Calculator' for the load?  The load revenue for a load is calculated when the Invoices Calculator is run.
  • Have you set up a Revenue Contract, with a non-zero rate, to calculate the revenue for he load?
Errors in Calculating Load Payments -- GetTripTime, GetTripDistance
Error # Message What it Means
9001 Avg Trip Time not Setup for Block/Tract [ ] and Destination [ ] In the Vendor or Employee calculator, the Logger's Edge is attempting to calculate the standard cost (or fully founded cost) for company-owned trucks.  The error indicates that for the truck in question, the Rate Basis has been set up as 'TONNE_HR'.  In order to calculate tonne hours, you must set up the average trip time between the block/tract and the destination for the load in question.

In order to fix this error you need to enter an average trip time for the block/tract - destination combination in question.  This entry is made in the block setup wizard in the grid that allows you to enter trip times for the block for each destination.

9002 Trip Distance not Setup for Block/Tract [ ] and Destination [ ] In the Vendor or Employee calculator, the Logger's Edge is attempting to calculate the standard cost (or fully founded cost) for company-owned trucks.  The error indicates that for the truck in question, the Rate Basis has been set up as 'DIST_WGT'.  In order to calculate ton miles or tonne-kilometers, you must set up the on/off highway distances between the block/tract and the destination for the load in question.

In order to fix this error you need to enter the on/off highway distance for the block/tract - destination combination in question.  This entry is made in the block setup wizard in the grid that allows you to enter distances and times for the block for each destination.

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